Designed for teams and leagues
Pre-Paid Package Orders Are Due By MIDNIGHT the Day of the Session
If you did not receive a pre-pay order form, you can use this page to pre-order and make your payment here. For all other print orders placed after the session date, please refer to the online gallery once it becomes available. Packages and products listed with * are NOT available from the online gallery.
- Please provide all of the information for your player(s) when submitting your pre-paid order.
(Each player must have their own order form) - Download a copy of the order form [HERE], fill out all of the information, attach payment and turn in the day of the session OR…
- Fill out the online order form provided on this page. Total your items and once you have submitted the form, you’ll be redirected to the payment options page to make your payment.
We have restructured our package pricing based on the most popular items requested by you, the clients. To see a complete list of products we now offer, refer to the Main Sports Home page.
- Packages and products listed with * are only available from pre-orders.
- Digital files are only available from the online gallery.
- Packages are created from individual player images (no multiple players).
- A team photo and one individual photo of each player.
- Siblings may be photographed together in addition to the individual player photo (please notify the photographer at your session).
- To place an order after the session ordering deadline, please use the Online Client Gallery.
- Packages can NOT be split between players.
- Minimum order per player is $10.